Booking Enquiries:
It is a condition of booking that all hall users park in the Village Hall car park only and not in the White Horse car park, as per the car park signage. If the hall car park is full please park on the road.
Mrs. Ros Billinghurst
9 Highview Close
Windmill Hill
BN27 4TR
Tel: 01323 832062
Mobile: 07771787800
Email: [email protected]
Hall Capacity
For dances or Receptions without tables or chairs - 200
For dances or Receptions with some table seating -120
For functions with all seats at tables (no stage) - 100
Cinema style with screen -100
For functions with all seats at tables with 12’x16′ stage -80
Hiring Charges from 1st January 2023
See attached document
Equipment Available
- Tables (6’ x 2’ & 3’ x 2’)
- Chairs
- Cutlery and crockery
- Glassware
- Heated trolley
- Microwave
- Fridge
- Hot water boiler
- Stage units
- Ovens and hot plates
- Dishwasher
- Round tables
- Audio-visual equipment
Village Green
The ‘Green’ is owned by the Bodle Street Green Village Hall and may be used in conjunction with the Hall. However, prior permission is required, if it is intended to erect a Marquee on the Green or the Terrace although small gazebos are allowed at any time. Firework displays also required prior permission.